



The title sums up my problem. I start from an empty model in VS2010 beta2, and then choose to generate my database from model, i then choose to create a new SQL CE database. Up until that moment everything runs fine. EF generates some SQL and saves it as MyModel.emdx.sql. Here comes the problem, the generated SQL can't be executed on the CE database and throws a couple error messages, like 'ALTER TABLE is not supported' and some others. I reckon there is no way to do Model first with an SQL CE database, so I'm back to the Database first approach. Or has anyone managed to sucessfully generate an SQL CE database from the edmx model in VS2010?


I just ran a MyModel.edmx.sql script against an SQL CE database and it executed without error. I used VS 2010 RC, so I suspect the problem you encountered was related to the Beta 2 release. I conclude that the problem was fixed in the RC

David Veeneman