Hi there. Memoir class doesn't play nice with the titlesec package. Memoir has all the functionality of titlesec, but it doesn't seem to have a nice "simple mode" analogue. So in titlesec (with the article document class) I could just use \usepackage[small,compact]{titlesec}
and that was that. If I wanted to do the same thing with memoir, it looks like I have to go through redefining all the section heading formatting and spacing itself?
Am I missing a quick way to replicate [small,compact] in memoir?
The point is not that I don't know how to get memoir to do this stuff. The point is that memoir is missing the "quick options" mode that titlesec had. If all I want to do is make all the section headings a little smaller the [small,compact] options when calling the package was fine. To do this in memoir takes a lot more work, going through all the options manually. Is this true or am I missing a memoir version of the quick options?