I m working with some web services where i m requesting for web service around 4000 times in loop each time i m getting some data from web service, that is working fine...but the problem is that it's taking time...obviously 4000 times cost a time, but is there any way that we can optimize the time with this? thanks.
Actually .. i have 3 dropdownlistbox. first dropdownlistbox is about to country , second one is about to cities of that selected country. and third one is all cities of world. third dropdownlistbox is around 4413 cities from all over the world.
why am i using this? because in . this web services is for taking data for airport countries.
first. user select contry in first dropdownlistbox so. its postback and fill the second one using webservices request and response. by cities name of that selected country.
now. select country from second dropdownlistbox, which place is my start point.
and now i am matching that country's airport flight services to other cities and list all that cities name into third dropdownlistbox which is connecting with that country.
now. this all data which i filled in dropdownlistbox is .. using webservices. request and respones..
now problem is that. in world there are 4414 cities. so. i matched that one city with all this cities. so. request is increasing and response taking so much time.
so help me get out of this problem.
tell me any method that i used for reducing this time. i am doing some coding. which is right. but because of this problem . its taking so much time in response. so .tell me any method .which i used to reduce time.