




I have a Delphi 2007 app using ADO to connect to an Oracle database. I have found for the app to support Blob field types I need to use the OraOLEDB provider to connect. The connection string:

Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Password=pwd;User ID=username;Data Source=;Persist Security Info=False

I have found that using MSDAORA.1 as the provider, while it works with all other database communication, does not work with the Blob field.

My question is, what do I need to install to have OraOLEDB installed/supported? Is there a specific DLL that needs to reside?

I have found the typical Oracle client installation is not supporting OraOLEDB. It errors when trying to connect to the database because OraOLEDB is not installed.

+1  A: 

Download OraOLEDB_90101.exe and run it. The full instructions are Instructions for Installing Oracle Provider for OLE DB . If you do some searching on MSDN they say that BLOB data is not supported with the Microsoft data provider, MSDAORA.1

Philip Schlump
will give this a try with my customer tomorrow - will let you know.
M Schenkel
Where do you download the file?? I was just on the Oracle site and searched for OraOLEDB_90101.exe. Could not find a link to download this file.
M Schenkel
disregard - google searching did better job than Oracles against their own site:http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/windows/ole_db/htdocs/utilsoft.htm
M Schenkel
Google is WAY WAY better at search than Oracle! Sorry it took me so long to get back and check for comments on this.
Philip Schlump
It actually turned out to be this file: http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/windows/ole_db/htdocs/utilsoft.htm The client for Oracle 10g. Thank you for your assistance.
M Schenkel