This question and the related discussion clued me in to how to fix my problem with the same symptoms on In my case, I have multiple "teams," so after entering in my Apple ID, it takes me to a team selection page. After selecting a team, I'd just be redirected back to the login/Apple ID page.
Turns out, the login is done over HTTPS, while the team selection (and probably the bulk of other activities on are over HTTP. Our firewall load balances over a couple of Internet connections, and the HTTPS traffic was passing over a different interface than the HTTP. Evidently, this was confusing Apple's authentication mechanism. It also explains why I was occasionally able to get through -- sometimes all traffic would end up on the same interface.
Ultimately, my solution was to add a rule to the firewall to send all traffic (Apple's legacy class A network) over the same interface.
Hopefully this helps someone else with a frustratingly endless login loop.