I am tryint to integrate CUDA in an existing project, in which several libs (DLLs) are created. I started with a very simple kernel that computes a dot product :
// dotProd_kernel.cu
__global__ void dotProd( double* result, double* vec1, double* vec2)
int i = threadIdx.x;
result[i] = vec1[i] * vec2[i];
This kernel is called by a host script :
// doProd.cu
#include <cutil_inline.h>
#include <dotProd_kernel.cu>
extern "C" double CUDA_dot(THTensor *vec1, THTensor *vec2);
double CUDA_dot(THTensor *vec1, THTensor *vec2)
// [content skipped]
// execute the kernel
dotProd<<< 1, nbThreads >>>(device_vec1, device_vec2, device_result_array);
// [content skipped]
return sum;
I generate build files using cmake, and use Visual Studio 2008 Pro to compile it. If I simply use a .cu file with a foobar function that calls no kernel, it executes fine. But with the above code, I get the following error :
c:\cuda\include\math_functions.h(3459) : error C2491: 'log1p' : definition of dllimport function not allowed
The resulting code that calls the CUDA code is exported as a DLL. Is this the problem ?