



Is there any other tool better than Firebug on any other browsers? free or commercial?

or any other similar tool which has any single or multiple function which can be useful along with firebug

+13  A: 

There is the IE Developer Toolbar, and Chrome / Safari has a built in element inspector. But in my opinion Firebug is the daddy of developer / designer inspection tools.

no it's far away from firebug
That's why I said Firebug is the best? [confused]
+1 for Firebug, there simply isn't a better tool out there!
Jonny Haynes
IE Developer Toolbar just makes me cry in comparison.
Robert Grant
FireBug has been a little buggy recently (>1.4), but nothing is better.
Upper Stage
+6  A: 

Webdeveloper is meant to be pretty good, I haven't used it though, I prefer firebug

+1 forgot about that, I use it with Firebug
I use these two in conjunction with eachother. Webdeveloper is by no means a replacement for Firebug; they serve different purposes!
I like the `Ctrl+Shift+E` and `Ctrl+Shift+F`.
I prefer firebug element inspector compared to the one in the Webdeveloper toolbar, seems so much friendlier to use.
I use both Firebug and Web Developer toolbar together. Web Developer is good for quick stuff like knowing the sizes/dimensions of all the images on your page. Or, quickly turning off JS to see how a page degrades. Or, looking at cookies. It's nice for outlining block-level and inline elements, displaying object information like div order, link info, meta tag info, even table depth.

The HttpWatch for IE is pretty damn spectacular. And unlike Firebug it doesn't consume 35 gigabytes of memory and grind Firefox to a halt. It's not free though...

Works with Firefox now as well.

Igor Zevaka
Firebug does not slowdown firefox... i've used it with pretty hefty code and still have to see any serious performance issue.....
and httpwatch costs dough..!!! Blearrrgh... ;)
Actually Firebug will slow down sites like Gmail...or at least it used to.
Adam Ryan
+1  A: 

There are a lot of dev tools for Firefox, even plugins to Firebug :

If you want to profile performance under IE, dynaTrace is wonderful. Firefox support is on their roadmap.

Fabien Ménager
+1  A: 

IE8's developer tools have, IMHO, easier to use CSS property tracing (i.e. you can work by property, rather than just by rule).

But it is only one aspect, and overall Firebug is what I use most of the time.

Yes, I too like the Trace Styles functionality of IE8's Developer Tools... I'd like to see it added to Firefox (if it hasn't already been done)
+1  A: 

Short answer: no. I use Chrome, but I develop with FF + Firebug + Webdeveloper

Jarrett Meyer
so no one can beat this combination
+5  A: 

The developer tools that come with WebKit (the rendering engine used by Chrome and Safari) are excellent - they knock spots off Firebug in a number of ways.

Firebug has been increasingly buggy in recent releases (1.4 onwards) and its performance leaves a lot to be desired with anything more complex than plain old web pages. It shows a lot of limitations when dealing with things like SVG and MathML, and JavaScript of any greater degree of complexity than a few basic functions tends to make it throw up its hands in dismay. It's not really any good for serious web application development at the moment.

On the positive side the Firebug developers are very responsive to detailed bug reports - some of mine have resulted in a fix within hours - so there's hope for it yet.

I have tried to use the Safari Devtools (webkit) several times, and I found them to be far more buggy than firebug has ever been...
@x3ro: was that on Windows? Also, which version? I usually use a Mac, and often a nightly build offers a better version of the dev tools.
+5  A: 
John Topley
+3  A: 

I often use Firebug Lite when I'm forced to use another browser. It doesn't have all Firebug features, obviously, but it works pretty well and is one less thing I have to figure out how to use...

+2  A: 

log4javascript for plain old logging works well in all the major browsers.

Tim Down
+1  A: 

Yes, you can make use of Google Chrome Developer tools. Likewise Firefox you have to just right click and select inspect element. The difference is firebug gets opened in the same window, while chrome dev tool gets opened in new window. But I would suggest to make use of Firebug, as it allows to debug the scripts.

Vijay Balkawade
we can detach firebug from firefox
Chrome (actually WebKit) dev tools also have a JavaScript debugger.
Ohhh that is really fantastic. I have never tried Chrome's debugger.I must try it. Thanks buddy. :)
Vijay Balkawade
+6  A: 

Opera - Dragonfly.

Andre Haverdings
What is better than firefox in Dragon Fly
No.. dragon fly in opera is better than firebug in firefox.. use both browsers to test your site (opera is more commonly used in mobile devices) and then hack to get it working in IE..
Andre Haverdings
Dragonfly is all one word.
Kevin ORourke
@kevin edited ;)
Andre Haverdings
+1  A: 

Back in the day - before FireBug ruled - Venkman was king. And it still boasts of several advantages over FireBug.

Upper Stage
I have to disagree. Venkman has the pedigree however it seems as if nobody uses it. I asked a very simple question ages ago and the only answer I got was another person who had the same problem.
I agree nobody uses it today, but back in the day it was a very reasonable alternative to FireBug. Even today, some clients do not allow FireFox on their privates networks - IE6 only! (You read correctly.) So, FireBug is (obviously) not allowed, and Venkman and the very old MS Script Debugger are the only choices for debuggers.
Upper Stage
@Upper Stage: You said it still has several advantages. What are these?

There is Fieddler2 tool for IE and Firefox

+1  A: 

If you need CPU speed profiling, IE8 developer tools (on F12 key) beats Firebug 10 to 1 -- just because it has a Call Tree view.
