In wanting to get some hands-on experience of good OO design I've decided to try to apply separation of concerns on a legacy app.
I decided that I wasn't comfortable with these calls being scattered all over the code base.
While I've already tackled this before by writing a helper class to encapsulate those calls into static methods I thought it could be an opportunity to go a bit further.
I realise that ultimately I should be aiming to use dependency injection and always be 'coding to interfaces'. But I don't want to take what seems like too big a step. In the meantime I'd like to take smaller steps towards that ultimate goal.
Can anyone enumerate the steps they would recommend?
Here are some that come to mind:
Have client code depend on an interface not a concrete implementation
Manually inject dependencies into an interface via constructor or property?
Before going to the effort of choosing and applying an IoC container how do I keep the code running?
In order to fulfil a dependency the default constructor of any class that needs a configuration value could use a Factory (with a static CreateObject() method)?
Surely I'll still have a concrete dependency on the Factory?...
I've dipped into Michael Feathers' book so I know that I need to introduce seams but I'm struggling to know when I've introduced enough or too many!
Imagine that Client calls methods on WidgetLoader passing it the required dependencies (such as an IConfigReader)
WidgetLoader reads config to find out what Widgets to load and asks WidgetFactory to create each in turn
WidgetFactory reads config to know what state to put the Widgets into by default
WidgetFactory delegates to WidgetRepository to do the data access, which reads config to decide what diagnostics it should log
In each case above should the IConfigReader be passed like a hot potato between each member in the call chain?
Is a Factory the answer?
To clarify following some comments:
My primary aim is to gradually migrate some app settings out of the config file and into some other form of persistence. While I realise that with an injected dependency I can Extract and Override to get some unit testing goodness, my primary concern is not testing so much as to encapsulate enough to begin being ignorant of where the settings actually get persisted.