



What's in your web-developer toolbox, please share.


FireBug, IE Developer Toolbar and HttpWatch.

Gabriel Isenberg
+1  A: 

Firefox, and its extensions: Firebug, Live HTTP Headers, HTML validator, YSlow

also JSLint

John Millikin

Smush It (from Yahoo)

+2  A: 

Firefox (extensions: Firebug, Web Developer Toolbar) IE 7, IE 6, Safari

+1. also Opera and Chrome
+10  A: 

Test your web design in different browsers -

(without actually installing them)

Thanks for posting these, very useful :)
+1  A: 

FireFox (Web Developer Toolbar, FireBug, YSlow, and FasterFox).


W3C Validators (HTML and CSS)


These are just outside tools, not counting programming.

Mitchel Sellers

Adding to the already mentioned Firefox Plugins: WebDeveloper and TamperData. Also NoScript, CookieSafe


WebDeveloper toolbar and HackBar for Firefox.

Also, ie4linux is great to test different versions of IE.

Milan Babuškov

Not a complete list, but...

Fiddler for client side testing for checking RSS, KML, Atom stuff for correctness

Picasa for resizing photos in batches.

Dreamweaver & Fireworks for content development.

Visual Studio 2008 for back end development.

Tim Farley
+13  A: 
  1. Your IDE of choice [VS 2008 here]
  2. Your debugger [It is usually part of your IDE, but sometimes WinDbg is needed]
  3. It's plugins for refactoring and source control [Resharper 4+ and Ankh SVN 2+]
  4. Your OS's addons for source control [Tortoise SVN]
  5. A better Diff and Merge Tool to plug into the above SCM tools [WinMerge]
  6. A fast loading text editor for when your IDE is too much [vim, Notepad++]
  7. Specific to web development, get tools for that [Firefox 3 with Add-ons: Web Developer, Firebug, TamperData, Poster, Firecookie, FireFTP, FirePHP, Rainbow for Firebug, ReloadEvery, Selenium IDE]
  8. Requisite tools for working with text [GNU TextUtils, via cygwin or]
  9. Scripting tools [Perl, Python, zsh, all those GNU base packages in cygwin]
  10. A Regular Expression testing tool for when your eyes hurt [Expresso, RegexBuddy]

For Java I swap out 1 and 3 with Eclipse, and it's plugins for Maven and SVN, I haven't found a refactoring plug in... you'd think I'd use IntelliJ IDEA but I never started using it. Read other peoples too.

+1  A: 
Andre Bossard
You missed Firebug
+1  A: 

Beyond Compare

+4  A: 

I recently added Watir (Web Application Testing In Ruby) to my toolbox. Basically it lets you script events in IE (Firefox and Safari versions also available) using a Ruby script. I've been using it to run through all the basic functionality of a project, take screenshots and dump them to a Word file, and spit out a log of what it did and anything bad that happened. Pretty useful as a sanity check.

Example code:

ie =
ie.goto "", "Images").click
ie.text.include? "The most comprehensive image search on the web"
ie.text_field(:name, "q").set("penguin")
ie.button(:name, "btnG").click
+1  A: 

Firefox, Firebug, MozREPL and a heavily customized Emacs that lets me automagickally launch Selenium Tests or set Firebug breakpoints. (amongst other things).

Jonathan Arkell

I have found a few useful extensions for Firefox which I don't think are listed here

these are..

  • Dummy Lipsum (instantly grab as many paragraphs of Lorum Ipsum as you like)
  • View This Page In Safari (does just what it says)
  • IE Tab (Windows only, allows you to open links etc in an IE window within Firefox)
  • Colorzilla (allows you to eyedrop any colour on the browser window)
  • Fangs (allows you to see on screen what a screen reader would speak. I think it's based off JAWS, hence the name)
+3  A: 
  • Firebug (top of the list)
  • Colorzilla
  • Web Developer toolbar
  • Roboform - password filler, good when working a lot on forms
  • Selenium RC/Selenium - IDE for recording tests
  • FoxyProxy - for swapping between proxies
  • WireShark - for packet debugging
  • Photoshop elements - for laying out page designs
  • MultipleIEs - gives you all versions of IE in one installation
  • RegexBuddy - For massaging text/xml/data
  • JMeter - for performance testing - really good once you get used to it.
selenium rocks, I used it in a couple of projects and it really helps