What's in your web-developer toolbox, please share.
Firefox, and its extensions: Firebug, Live HTTP Headers, HTML validator, YSlow
also JSLint
Firefox (extensions: Firebug, Web Developer Toolbar) IE 7, IE 6, Safari
Test your web design in different browsers - http://browsershots.org
(without actually installing them)
FireFox (Web Developer Toolbar, FireBug, YSlow, and FasterFox).
W3C Validators (HTML and CSS)
These are just outside tools, not counting programming.
Adding to the already mentioned Firefox Plugins: WebDeveloper and TamperData. Also NoScript, CookieSafe
WebDeveloper toolbar and HackBar for Firefox.
Also, ie4linux is great to test different versions of IE.
Not a complete list, but...
Fiddler for client side testing
FeedValidator.org for checking RSS, KML, Atom stuff for correctness
Picasa for resizing photos in batches.
Dreamweaver & Fireworks for content development.
Visual Studio 2008 for back end development.
- Your IDE of choice [VS 2008 here]
- Your debugger [It is usually part of your IDE, but sometimes WinDbg is needed]
- It's plugins for refactoring and source control [Resharper 4+ and Ankh SVN 2+]
- Your OS's addons for source control [Tortoise SVN]
- A better Diff and Merge Tool to plug into the above SCM tools [WinMerge]
- A fast loading text editor for when your IDE is too much [vim, Notepad++]
- Specific to web development, get tools for that [Firefox 3 with Add-ons: Web Developer, Firebug, TamperData, Poster, Firecookie, FireFTP, FirePHP, Rainbow for Firebug, ReloadEvery, Selenium IDE]
- Requisite tools for working with text [GNU TextUtils, via cygwin or gnuwin32.sf.net]
- Scripting tools [Perl, Python, zsh, all those GNU base packages in cygwin]
- A Regular Expression testing tool for when your eyes hurt [Expresso, RegexBuddy]
For Java I swap out 1 and 3 with Eclipse, and it's plugins for Maven and SVN, I haven't found a refactoring plug in... you'd think I'd use IntelliJ IDEA but I never started using it. Read other peoples too.
- BBEdit
- Terminal with bash
- ant
- tomcat
- Oracle 10g RDBMS
- Oracle 10g XDK (XML Development Kit)
- Firefox with Firebug
- OmniGraffle
- GraphicConverter
- Oxygen
- JDeveloper (but for database browsing only)
- Oracle instantclient10_1 (for sqlplus)
- jmeter
- findbugs
- tox
I recently added Watir (Web Application Testing In Ruby) to my toolbox. Basically it lets you script events in IE (Firefox and Safari versions also available) using a Ruby script. I've been using it to run through all the basic functionality of a project, take screenshots and dump them to a Word file, and spit out a log of what it did and anything bad that happened. Pretty useful as a sanity check.
Example code:
ie = Watir::IE.new
ie.goto "http://www.google.com/"
ie.link(:text, "Images").click
ie.text.include? "The most comprehensive image search on the web"
ie.text_field(:name, "q").set("penguin")
ie.button(:name, "btnG").click
Firefox, Firebug, MozREPL and a heavily customized Emacs that lets me automagickally launch Selenium Tests or set Firebug breakpoints. (amongst other things).
I have found a few useful extensions for Firefox which I don't think are listed here
these are..
- Dummy Lipsum (instantly grab as many paragraphs of Lorum Ipsum as you like)
- View This Page In Safari (does just what it says)
- IE Tab (Windows only, allows you to open links etc in an IE window within Firefox)
- Colorzilla (allows you to eyedrop any colour on the browser window)
- Fangs (allows you to see on screen what a screen reader would speak. I think it's based off JAWS, hence the name)
- Firebug (top of the list)
- Colorzilla
- Web Developer toolbar
- Roboform - password filler, good when working a lot on forms
- Selenium RC/Selenium - IDE for recording tests
- FoxyProxy - for swapping between proxies
- WireShark - for packet debugging
- Photoshop elements - for laying out page designs
- MultipleIEs - gives you all versions of IE in one installation
- RegexBuddy - For massaging text/xml/data
- JMeter - for performance testing - really good once you get used to it.