



I am trying to link something I wrote to an existing shared library. I using gcc 3.2.3 on RedHat 3. When I get to the link phase I get an error that says:

object_files_linux/hvm_example.o(.text+0x233):~/hvm_example.cpp:254: undefined reference to `xoc::hvmapi::id(std::basic_string, std::allocator > const&)'

I have run the nm command on the object file and it shows this for the function in question:

U xoc::hvmapi::id(std::basic_string, std::allocator > const&)

I run nm on the shared library and it show this for the function in question:

T xoc::hvmapi::id(__STL::basic_string, _STL::allocator > const&)

My question is : Is the link failure because my function uses the std namespace and the shared library uses the _STL namespace?

Is there a work around?

I don't have access to the source of the shared library source code but I do have header files that use the std namespace for the parameters.

Thanks, Mike


The shared library you are using was likely built with STLport. Read the documentation for that shared library -- it should clearly state that you have to compile your code with STLport as well, and the specific version of STLport you should be using.

Note that different versions of g++ are also not link-compatible, particularly around versions 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x. You must compile with the same version of g++ as the one that was used to build your 3rd-party shared library.

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