




I wanted to use cscope enabled vim - unfortuantely , the binaries at work are not compiled with cscope support , and when I tried building from src , I'm getting a lot of errors due to proper dev packages not being installed.

So , does anyone have a link where I can a precompiled binary with cscope support ? Btw , I'm using linux.


I have the default package Ubuntu gives me from doing an 'apt-get install vim', vim_1%3a7.1-138+1ubuntu3.1_i386.deb.

Inside of vim, when I type

:echo has('cscope')

it prints


as expected.

Granted, you do say you are looking for Vim 7.2 I don't know what improvements 7.2 has seen over 7.1, but it looks like there are still build problems with 7.2 that are being hammered out. I'd suggest just using 7.1 for the time being.

Conspicuous Compiler
Yeah , but I don't have Ubuntu at work - will it work if I just copy the binary from Ubuntu's /usr/bin to my work account ?
Probably not. Could you state what distribution you *are* using at work?
Conspicuous Compiler
I faced lots of problems with 7.0/7.1 ver. Some of quite popular plugins work only on 7.2+ - I think that is why author is asking about this particular version.
Fedyashev Nikita
+3  A: 

Just build your own vim binary from source code maybe a good solution ^_^

wget ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/vim-7.2.tar.bz2
tar xjf vim-7.2.tar.bz2
cd vim72
./configure --enable-cscope
make && make install

You will get a cscope supported vim 7.2

Tried that before posting query - getting loads of error !! I don't have the privileges for installing reqd. packages , hence the query!
+3  A: 

Not quite an answer to your request for a pre-compiled vim 7.2, but you said part of your compiling problems is that you "don't have the privileges for installing reqd packages" (in you comment to @chenkaie's answer). If the other reqd packages use configure, you can compile them to install into a directory you have control over, like this:

./configure --prefix=/dir/with/permissions
make && make install

configure-based installers support the --prefix switch, which results in the installed packages in locations like <prefix>\bin, <prefix>/lib, etc. With this trick you may be able to build all the reqd packages in order to build vim 7.2 itself.

If the reqd packages are not configure-based, you might want to look at the installer (makefile?) of the reqd package to see if it has an option similar to configure --prefix=<dir>
