



I use NHibernate for my dataacess, and for awhile not I've been using SQLite for local integration tests. I've been using a file, but I thought I would out the :memory: option. When I fire up any of the integration tests, the database seems to be created (NHibernate spits out the table creation sql) but interfacting with the database causes an error.

Has anyone every gotten NHibernate working with an in memory database? Is it even possible? The connection string I'm using is this:

Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True

Just a wild guess, but is the sql output by NHibernate using a command unsupported by sqlite?

Also, What happens if you use a file instead of memory? (System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName() would work i think...)

+12  A: 

A SQLite memory database only exists as long as the connection to it remains open. To use it in unit tests with NHibernate:
1. Open an ISession at the beginning of your test (maybe in a [SetUp] method).
2. Use the connection from that session in your SchemaExport call.
3. Use that same session in your tests.
4. Close the session at the end of your test (maybe in a [TearDown] method).

Sean Carpenter
agh, that makes perfect sense! Will give it a shot
Chris Canal
also take a look at this exemple implementing DriverConnectionProvider:
FYI, I had trouble keeping the connection open with NHibernate after a call to Flush. Found the answer at
+1  A: 

We are using SQLite in memory for all our database tests. We are using a single ADO connection for the tests that is reused for all NH sessions opened by the same test.

  1. Before every test: create connection
  2. Create schema on this connection
  3. Run test. The same connection is used for all sessions
  4. After test: close connection

This allows also running tests with several sessions included. The SessionFactory is also created once for all tests, because the reading of the mapping files takes quite some time.

Stefan Steinegger
Do you use the OpenSession overload to suppy the connection or do you have a more cunning way of using the same connection?
Graham Ambrose
I use OpenSession(IDbConnection), and get the connection once from sessionFactory.ConnectionProvider.GetConnection(). I could probably implement my own ConnectionProvider, then it would only be a matter of configuration. But I didn't have the time to do this until now.
Stefan Steinegger

I am doing it with Rhino Commons. If you don't want to use Rhino Commons you can study the source do see how it does it. The only problem I have had is that SQLite does not support nested transactions. This forced me to change my code to support integration testing. Integration testing with in memory database is so awesome, I decided it was a fair compromise.

Tim Scott
+21  A: 

If you add Pooling=True;Max Pool Size=1 to your connection string, you'll get the same connection (and therefore database) each time.

Does this really work with SQLite DataBases?
I just checked and it really works! SQLite connection-strings require a colon in the end though. So the final connection string looks like: "Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True;Pooling=True;Max Pool Size=1;"
This is the real solution!
Freaking awesome! The best solution for me too.
Hristo Deshev

I hade alot off problems with SQLite memory database. So now we are using SQLite working with files on a ramdrive disk.

Anders B