



I'm adding a bunch of QActions to my main window's menus. These actions can also be triggered by the keyboard, and I want the shortcut to be visible in the menu, as usual, e.g.

|Copy     Ctrl+C|

I can do this using QAction.setShortcut(). However, I don't want these QActions to be triggered by the shortcuts; I'm handling all keyboard input separately elsewhere.

Is this possible? Can I disable the shortcut in the QAction but still have the shortcut text (in this example "Ctrl+C") in my menus?

EDIT: The way I ended up doing it is connecting to the menu's aboutToShow() and aboutToHide() events, and enabling/disabling the shortcuts so they are only active when the menu is shown. But I'd appreciate a cleaner solution...

+6  A: 

You could inherit from QAction and override QAction::event(QEvent*):

class TriggerlessShortcutAction : public QAction

    virtual bool event(QEvent* e)
        if (e->type() == QEvent::Shortcut)
            return true;
            return QAction::event(e);

This will cause any events of type QEvent::Shortcut sent to your actions to not trigger the 'triggered()' signals.

Idan K
Or, even better, use an event filter instead of subclassing.
Unfortunately neither the subclass nor the event filter are working for me; the QAction is not receiving a QShortcutEvent. It may be an interaction with some other part of the program, I'll try to find out. In the mean time I'm back to my original solution...
I tested it on Windows and it worked. maybe try doing it in a new project, it might be a platform issue...
Idan K
I'm trying it on a mac -- it must be either a platform issue or something else in my program. Thanks though!

This will look like an action with a shortcut, but the shortcut is not actually installed.

Here is a full example:

#include <QtGui>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    QMainWindow win;

    QMenu *menu = win.menuBar()->addMenu("Test");

    // This action will show Ctrl+T but will not trigger when Ctrl+T is typed.
    QAction *testAction = new QAction("Test\tCtrl+T", &win);
    app.connect(testAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(quit()));

    // This action will show Ctrl+K and will trigger when Ctrl+K is typed.
    QAction *quitAction = new QAction("Quit", &win);
    quitAction->setShortcut(Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_K);
    app.connect(quitAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(quit()));

    return app.exec();
This does, in fact, install the shortcut (Qt 4.6, mac)
With the above example, does Ctrl+T quit the application on a Mac? With Qt 4.6 on Windows and Linux, Ctrl+T does not trigger the action.