



The following doesn't compile:

public void MyMethod<T>(T value)
    if (value == default(T))
        // do stuff

Error: Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'T' and 'T'

I can't use value == null because T may be a struct.
I can't use value.Equals(default(T)) because value may be null.
What is the proper way to test for equality to the default value?

+6  A: 

What about

object.Equals(value, default(T))
Ngu Soon Hui
I knew it should be simple. Thank you.
+1. Tested. Works correctly with various types: `MyMethod(0); MyMethod<String>(null); MyMethod<DataSet>(null);` - in each case returns true.
Roman Boiko
+4  A: 

To avoid boxing for struct / Nullable<T>, I would use:

if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(value,default(T))
    // do stuff

This supports any T that implement IEquatable<T>, using object.Equals as a backup, and handles null etc (and lifted operators for Nullable<T>) automatically.

There is also Comparer<T>.Default which handles comparison tests. This handles T that implement IComparable<T>, falling back to IComparable - again handling null and lifted operators.

Marc Gravell
Are you saying that `EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals` has better performance than `Object.Equals`, or that it would give a correct value in some case that `Object.Equals` wouldn't?
Better performance (less boxing); consider `T=int`; to call `object.Equals` it has to box `value` and `default(T)` - that's two extra heap allocations + GC. Using `EqualityComparer<T>` it has 3 different underlying implementations - `class`, `Nullable<T>` and `struct` - it can then do everything (including `null` tests) without **any** boxing. The work of figuring out which implementation to use is only done once per type and cached, so still very fast.
Marc Gravell
Thank you, Marc! Your explanation is wonderful