



I'm looking for a way to search a column of string datatype which contains a * - the problem is that the star or asterisk is a reserved symbol. The following query doesn't work properly:

select * from users where instr(pattern,"*")

How can you write an Access query to search a column for an asterisk?

+2  A: 

yay, found it out by myself:

select * from users where instr(pattern,chr(42))
In which version af access did you test this? Does not work in 2007
Should it have a boolean condition though - something like `where instr(pattern,chr(42)) > 0` ?
Yes, it should.
Technically speaking, all non-zero values should return TRUE, but I always specify since I think it's clearer.
"Technically speaking, all non-zero values should return TRUE" -- Perhaps we need a name for someone who doesn't understand the NULL value in SQL ;)
Null is not a value, so my statement is correct as it stands (it seems to me that *you* assuming Null is a "value" (as opposed to simply UNKNOWN, and thus not subject to comparison) is a demonstration of not understanding Null in SQL). But you do make a point that if you pass Null to the InStr() function, you get back a Null, and rows where InStr(pattern, Chr(42)) evaluates to Null will not be returned. It seems to me that since a Null field can't actually contain Chr(42) that this would be an expected (and desirable) result.
@David W. Fenton: "Null is not a value" -- oh dear. Have you not heard the expression "the NULL value"? I use it all the time! In Standard SQL and early relational theory NULL is a data value and UNKNOWN is a logical value (three valued logic, that is). NULL and UNKNOWN are not the same! Here's some reading for you:
In Standard SQL, the predicate NULL LIKE '%*%' would evaluate to UNKNOWN (being a logical value). However, for the Access Database Engine treats the result as NULL (being a data value) e.g. SELECT DISTINCT INSTR(NULL, CHR(42)) FROM Calendar; returns the NULL value. Another example of how the Access Database Engine's implementation of three valued logic does not conform to Standards is that you can't cast NULL to a data type e.g. SELECT DISTINCT CLNG(NULL) FROM Calendar; causes an error.
...doesn't conform to Standards and is largely undocumented by the Access Team makes it hard to have a discussion on :(
+2  A: 

Just use

select * from users where instr(pattern,"*") > 0

From Access: Instr Function

In Access, the Instr function returns the position of the first occurrence of a string in another string.


You can search for reseverd charaters in Access by using square brackets:

select * from users where pattern like "*[*]*"

Use the ALIKE function because its wildcard characters do not include * e.g.

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE pattern ALIKE '%*%';

(Edit by DWF: see @onedayone's useful explanation of ALIKE)

Care to draw out the difference between the LIKE and ALIKE operators? I'm unable with some quick searching in Access help to find the distinction. So far as I can tell from experimenting, ALIKE allows the use of SQL Server-compatible wildcards without needing to set your database to use SQL 92 mode.
I usually do but the differences aren't relevant here: all you need to know is that ALIKE treats the * character as a literal. For more details see me other answers e.g.
I edited into your answer the reference to your other answer (which I'd already seen earlier). See, I *will* edit when I think it's appropriate.
@David W. Fenton -- nice work :)