I would like to add a mouseover event to a UI tab strip when user clicks on a checkbox, but I am trouble dynamically adding and removing events. Here is what I have so far.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
// add mouseover event when user clicks on checlkbox called chkbEnableMouseOver
$("#chkbEnableMouseOver").change(function () {
if (($("#chkbEnableMouseOver").is(":checked"))){
$('#tabs').tabs.live("click",function(){ });
$('#tabs').tabs.live("click",function(){ event: 'mouseover'; });
// UI tab strip - no default mouseover event
$("#tabs").tabs({ });
// UI tab strip - WITH default mouseover event
//$("#tabs").tabs({ event: 'mouseover' });
<input TYPE="checkbox" id="chkbEnableMouseOver" >enable mouseover on tabs
<div id="tabs">
// tabs go here