




Each column has a fixed width of 200px with a 20px margin.
The top-left box and the columns have variable height.

Like this

alt text

Tor Valamo kindly provided an answer to a similar question (that being elastic, this is fixed), but I cant centre the layout, as it uses position: absolute.

How can I do it? I know that using a table with colspan and rowspan the answer to this problem is trivial, but I would like to avoid table-based layout like the plague!

+2  A: 

Not sure I understand exactly what you're asking, but something like this...?

<div style="float: left;">
    <div style="width: 420px;">top</div>
    <div style="width: 200px; float: left;">bottom left</div>
    <div style="width: 200px; float: left;">bottom right(ish)</div>
    <div style="clear: both;"></div>
<div style="width: 200px; float: left;">big left box</div>
<div style="width: 200px; float: left;">big right box</div>
David Hedlund
thanks David but doesn't seem to work
Victor P
quite right. i've edited.
David Hedlund
Thank you, David!
Victor P
+2  A: 

You can still use the layout that you linked to and have it be centered, despite the position: absolute. I've adapted it for you here (you'll have to tweak to add in the margins, but it works, I tested it:

        #outer, #left, #right, #top_left, #bottom_left,
        #bottom_left_left, #bottom_left_right, #right_left, #right_right {
            border:1px solid #000;
        #outer {margin:0 auto; position:relative;width:800px;}
        #left {right:50%;width:400px;}
        #top_left {position:relative; width:400px;}
        #bottom_left {position:relative;}
        #bottom_left_left {right:50%; width:200px;}
        #bottom_left_right {left:50%; width:200px;}
        #right {left:50%;}
        #right_left {right:50%; width:200px;}
        #right_right {left:50%; width:200px;}
    <div id="outer">
        <div id="left">
            <div id="top_left">Top left</div>
            <div id="bottom_left">
                <div id="bottom_left_left">Bottom left</div>
                <div id="bottom_left_right">Bottom right</div>
        <div id="right">
            <div id="right_left">Near Right</div>
            <div id="right_right">Far Right</div>
Nate B
Thank you Nate!
Victor P