



As helped by gnovice I got following code, but now I want to assign energy (randomly) to every nodes using E=floor(rand(1)*10) and also want to compare for maximum energy and what is distance between them?

N=input('no. of nodes : ');         %# Number of nodes
coords = num2cell(rand(N,2))        %# Cell array of random x and y coordinates
nodes=struct('x',coords(:,1),...    %# Assign x coordinates
             'y',coords(:,2));      %# Assign y coordinates
plot([nodes.x],[nodes.y],'r*');     %# Plot all the nodes in red
index = randi(N,[1 2])              %# Pick two nodes at random
hold on;
plot([nodes(index).x],[nodes(index).y],'b*');  %# Plot 2 random nodes in blue
index(1)                                       %# which node is selected first.
index(2)                                       %# which node is selected second.

this question is follow up of this question.

+1  A: 

If you want to assign a value for "energy" to every node, you can modify the code from my previous answer:

N = input('no. of nodes : ');      %# Number of nodes
coords = num2cell(rand(N,2));      %# Cell array of random x and y coordinates
E = num2cell(ceil(10*rand(N,1)));  %# Cell array of random integers from 1 to 10
nodes = struct('x',coords(:,1),...   %# Assign x coordinates
               'y',coords(:,2),...   %# Assign y coordinates
               'energy',E);          %# Assign energy

You can find the node with maximum energy using the MAX function:

[maxValue,maxIndex] = max([]);

and you can find the distance between a pair of nodes in the following way:

index = [1 3];  %# Compare nodes 1 and 3
dist = sqrt(diff([nodes(index).x])^2+diff([nodes(index).y])^2);
thanks again gnovice, thanks a lot my friend....