




This works:

view layout [
    box white 728x90 effect reduce [ 'gradient 0x1 sky] 
    font [align: 'center size: 40 color: red] "Your banner text"

But how do I add other lines ?

Thank you.


Include a new line in your text:

view layout [
    box white 728x90 effect reduce [ 'gradient 0x1 sky] 
    font [align: 'center size: 40 color: red] "Your banner text^/on two lines"

If you aren't used to "escaping" characters in Rebol, it's pretty similar to doing so in C or Java or JavaScript or .....

This page in the Rebol Core Manual has all the details - http://www.rebol.com/docs/core23/rebolcore-16.html#section-2.11

Peter W A Wood
Oh that's a good answer, but I I forgot to say that I want different font for size and color.
Rebol Tutorial

You should be able to work out how to get multiple lines with different font sizes and colours by reading this - http://www.rebol.com/how-to/subpanels.html

Peter W A Wood
Thanks will look at it.
Rebol Tutorial
I still can't see how to create multiple lines as one could show only one panel at a time
Rebol Tutorial
May be this will help you get started:>> banner-text: layout [ [ text red "Your banner text"[ text blue "More banner text"[ ]>> banner-text/color: none ;; set transparent background== none>> banner-text/offset: 0x0 ;; set the offset from parent== 0x0>> banner-panel/pane: banner-text>> view your-banner
Peter W A Wood