If you want to get the approximate address for a UK postcode (i.e. street level) there is a way you can do it legally and for free without using PAF data.
- Geocode the postcode - This can be done legally for free now. OS have released the codepoint database into the public domain
- Do a reverse lookup on the WGS84 lat/lng pair using the Google Maps HTTP Geocoding API to get the street address
As an example of this take a look at this XML Web Service:
explained at:
which returns:
<postcode>W12 7RJ</postcode>
<street>White City Close</street>
<county>Greater London</county>
It's not as handy as the commercial offerings which give you a full list of actual addresses for any given postcode, but it lets you do a "What's your postcode? What's your house number?" type system.