hi guys,
We have 3 software products which use the same .net dlls(code + legacy).
All these use common functionality present across 3/4 dlls.
i wanted to know how and where to deploy these dlls.
And which is the most standard way of doing this.
S1] Along with each product in its install dir -- probably easiest way to do. (but if any updates are to happen in the shared dll ..it has to be done for all 3 dlls.)
S2]Put it in common files folder?
S3] Does System GAC help in this?
(Put all 3 in GAC and the code is shared.but im worried about versioning?)
Also how to build a deployable setup for such projects:
D1]pack all dlls in one setup.each setup has its own copy.
but suppose if someone installs software A, then for software B the shared files are already present in the system.
D2]deploy common files in a separate setup and pack with each.try to detect if files are already present if yes dont deploy.(this still doesnt help setup size)
Common folder - should it be GAC or some folder on system?
Involves complex setup as it will require check versioning of different shared files.
Also suppose if newer version of the software is to be released and it has to coexist with older version..
how to maintain compatabilty across multiple versions?