Hello, Microsoft DxDiag can detect whether a system has "Direct3D Acceleration".
If the system has not the capability, DxDiag will write "Direct3D Acceleration not available" and will write in the console "Direct3D functionality not available. You should verify that the driver is a final version from the hardware manufacturer."
I would like the same with a C++ function.
I made some tests and the following function seems to do the job.
Any other better idea?
Thank you.
#include <ddraw.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
bool has3D()
CComPtr< IDirectDraw > dd;
HRESULT hr = ::DirectDrawCreate( 0, &dd, 0 );
if ( hr != DD_OK ) return false;
DDCAPS hel_caps, hw_caps;
::ZeroMemory( &hel_caps, sizeof( DDCAPS ) );
::ZeroMemory( &hw_caps, sizeof( DDCAPS ) );
hw_caps.dwSize = sizeof( DDCAPS );
hel_caps.dwSize = sizeof( DDCAPS );
hr = dd->GetCaps( &hw_caps, &hel_caps );
if ( hr != DD_OK ) return false;
return (hw_caps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_3D) && (hel_caps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_3D);