I have a requirement to get txns on a T-5 basis. Meaning I need to "go back" 5 business days.
I've coded up two SQL queries for this and the second method is 5 times slower than the first.
How come?
-- Fast
BizDays as
( select top 5 bdate bdate
from dbo.business_days
where bdate < '20091211'
order by bdate Desc
,BizDate as ( select min(bdate) bdate from BizDays)
select t.* from txns t
join BizDate on t.bdate <= BizDate.bdate
-- Slow
BizDays as
( select dense_rank() Over(order by bdate Desc) RN
, bdate
from dbo.business_days
where bdate < '20091211'
,BizDate as ( select bdate from BizDays where RN = 5)
select t.* from txns t
join BizDate on t.bdate <= BizDate.bdate