I did the following query:
var list = from book in books
where book.price > 50
select book;
list = list.Take(50);
I would expect the above to generate something like:
SELECT top 50 id, title, price, author
FROM Books
WHERE price > 50
but it generates:
[Limit1].[C1] as [C1]
[Limit1].[id] as [Id],
[Limit1].[title] as [title],
[Limit1].[price] as [price],
[Extent1].[id] as as [Id],
[Extent1].[title] as [title],
[Extent1].[price] as [price],
[Extent1].[author] as [author]
FROM Books as [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[price] > 50
) AS [Limit1]
Why does the above linq query generate a subquery and where does the C1 come from?