Let's say I have 4 imagedivs (imgdiv1, imgdiv2, imgdiv3, imgdiv4) and 4 contentdivs (condiv1 condiv2 condiv3, condiv4)and 1 main content div (maincon) all contentdivs (except the main content div) need to stay "hidden" or invisible. Each con will show up with a fadein effect when I do a mouseover on an imagediv. All contentdivs are in the same place while the imagedivs are a kind of menu.
Example: if I go with my mouse over imgdiv1, condiv1 will appear with a smooth fade in effect. When my mouse goes out of the imgdiv1, condiv1 should fade out to invisibility with a fadeout effect, same goes for imgdiv2, imgdiv3 and imgdiv4. the maincon div will always be there and the condivs should just go over the maincon when triggered with a mousover on imagedivs.
How can I achieve this using jQuery? What is the best way?