



There is a way to automatically submit a form without clicking to a "submit" button?

I have a form with one "file" input. I would submit the form after the user have selected one file.


I don't believe you can do this. Browsers are very, very strict about what you can do to file upload fields, because of the potential for abuse. If the user accidentally selects a private file, they wouldn't want it to immediately start uploading that file to a random server.

not true, I just tested the code in my answer, and it works (at least in Firefox).
Odd, similar code not working here. Checking further...
+2  A: 

yes, you can use the form.submit() function. Add an onchange listener on the file input and link it to the form.submit function, like so:

<form action="upload.php" method="post">
<input type="file" onchange="this.form.submit()" name="myFile"/>

Yes, you can add the following to the onchange event of the file input:

<input type='file' .... onchange='this.form.submit();'>

this submits the form right after the user has picked a file. However, the user can't correct a mistaken selection before submitting - be sure to check whether this is really wise.


I'm not sure what the restrictions are with doing this in an HTML form.

You can, however, do it with Flash. Gmail does it - when I click "Attach a file", I get prompted with a file browse dialog, and when I OK that dialog the upload begins immediately, and also gives me a progress bar.

Googling for "Flash uploader" will give you many options, but I don't have experience with any of them.
