



So I have a need to create an ExtJS component (version 2.3.0). The component is simply plain HTML (styled) - it is a heading.

My current approach is to create a custom component as follows:

 * A ExtJS component for a header for the application
Ext.ux.AppHeader = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, {

    height: 32,

    tpl: new Ext.Template ('<div class="title-bar"><h1>My App</h1></div>'),

    onRender: function(ct) {
        this.el  = this.tpl.append (ct);
        Ext.ux.AppHeader.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('AppHeader', Ext.ux.AppHeader);

This works fine, but I'm not convinced it is the "right" way to go about it. If anyone can share a more idiomatic way to do it, or a way that utilises some inner magic in ExtJS better, that would be great.

If on the other hand this is the "right" way to do it - let this be an example of how one can.


I was definitely trying to hard with this one. The approach I now take is:

  html: '<div class="title-bar"><h1>My App</h1></div>'

and define the 'title-bar' CSS to have the text the right style/size, and ExtJS does the right thing.

+2  A: 

This looks like some serious over-engineering. The purpose of making something a component is so that it's reusable in some fashion. Maybe if it had configs for the title, class, etc. I could see the point, but as it is, there's no reason (unless you have drastically over-simplified for the purpose of posting here?). Why not just put this div directly into the page code or Panel config or whatever is containing it?

FYI, visually-rendered components usually subclass BoxComponent since it provides sizing and layout capabilities in addition to the Component API. BoxComponents work much easier with the standard Ext layouts.

Agreed. Especially since it is not customized or reused; just code it as a div in the markup and then pull it into an Ext.Panel using contentEl.
Jonathan Julian
Agreed. btw: one can climb higher in the class hierarchy to obtain the benefits you describe; Container is the most lightweight class that implements layouts.
Upper Stage
Container specifically *contains* other components, and thus can manage the layout of its child components. A BoxComponent is the lightest-weight class that can be *managed* by a Container and can participate in layout (have its sizing and position managed) easily. All depends on the nature of the component you are creating.
I completely agree. After learning more about ExtJS's approach I came to the same conclusion.
Jamie Love