So I have a need to create an ExtJS component (version 2.3.0). The component is simply plain HTML (styled) - it is a heading.
My current approach is to create a custom component as follows:
* A ExtJS component for a header for the application
Ext.ux.AppHeader = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, {
height: 32,
tpl: new Ext.Template ('<div class="title-bar"><h1>My App</h1></div>'),
onRender: function(ct) {
this.el = this.tpl.append (ct);
Ext.ux.AppHeader.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
Ext.reg('AppHeader', Ext.ux.AppHeader);
This works fine, but I'm not convinced it is the "right" way to go about it. If anyone can share a more idiomatic way to do it, or a way that utilises some inner magic in ExtJS better, that would be great.
If on the other hand this is the "right" way to do it - let this be an example of how one can.
I was definitely trying to hard with this one. The approach I now take is:
html: '<div class="title-bar"><h1>My App</h1></div>'
and define the 'title-bar' CSS to have the text the right style/size, and ExtJS does the right thing.