



In my database there's a datetime column "Created" with default value getutcdate(). I would like my EF datacontext to generate an insert query that doesn't set this column, and fetch the resulting value. Is there a way to do this?

I tried setting StoreGeneratedPattern to either None, Identity or Computed, I get an exception that DateTime can't be converted to datetime2 (meaning it's trying to insert 0:00 at 0-0-0)

How do I set up my edmx to allow creating objects without specifying the initial Created value?


Worked on my machine. Just tried this out, added a property to my model called "Property" ( default name ), set the column to be Nullable: false, StoreGeneratedPattern: computed:

Here is the generated sql for the example I just tried:

insert [dbo].[Foods]
values('sdfg' /* @0 */,
       'sdfg' /* @1 */,
       'sdfg' /* @2 */,
       1 /* @3 */,
       'sdfg' /* @4 */)
select [Id],
from   [dbo].[Foods]
where  @@ROWCOUNT > 0
       and [Id] = scope_identity()

EF4 even knew how to read the Property property back after inserting.

Edit: Do you have this problem:

I knew the exception your getting sounded wrong. You should be getting a different error for having a datetime string fall below the minimum that the sql date format allows. Looks like your mappings are just mapping to the wrong schema.

I do have the problem described in your Edit: indeed. I'll try Nullable: false, StoreGeneratedPattern: computed once again.
Sander Rijken
@jfar, did you test this using EF1 or using the EF that comes with VS2010/.NET4? I have the property set up as "Nullable: false, StoreGeneratedPattern: computed", and in the DB as NOT NULL and default value/binding getutcdate()
Sander Rijken