




Hi all...

I am completely new in analysis and design.....

please some one tell me :

what is the difference between System use case and Business use case ?

As far as I know, there is only one diagram in UML called use case diagram.. Now, what about them ? Do they have separate diagram?

Thank you


From Wikipedia:

A business use case is described in technology-free terminology which treats the business process as a black box and describes the business process that is used by its business actors (people or systems external to the business) to achieve their goals (...)

A system use case is normally described at the system functionality level (for example, create voucher) and specifies the function or the service that the system provides for the user (...)

So, in short, business use cases are more about what the users expect the system to do, and system use cases are more about what the system actually does.


A business use-case describes the steps in a process that achieve a business goal.

A system use-case describes behavior of a system that automates a business use-case.
