




I want my Domino Calendar View to be initially setup in work-week format (showing monday to friday days)

In Designer, I go to View Properties - Date and Time Format tab. There is a Initial Format combo box where I can choose from those items.

- Default - 
One Day
Two Days
Work Calendars
One Week
Two Weeks
One Month

But none of them gives me the desired work-week format.

Interestingly, it is available to the users thru the Week Tab in the View Header.

I am wondering if there is any way to select it programmatically.

What is the formula to change the calendar format? when is (what is the event) appropiate to execute it?

This is Domino 8

+1  A: 

You can add code to the PostOpen event of your view to change the calendar format. In formula language, you can use this:

@Command( [CalendarFormat] ; "5" )

The "5" represents a Work Week view.

Ed Schembor
it does not work for me. I have put this formula in the PostOpen event, I've tried QueryOpen too. I have changed the Initial Format in View Properties - Date and Time Format to different values. It seems as if the formula never gets executed or if the Initial Format chosen overrides it.

I've given up.

I have selected Default as the Initial Format in the View Properties - Date and Time Format tab.

So, the user can choose whatever she wants and Notes will remember the chosen format for her.


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