For Qt4, you can do this for an editable QComboBox by using your own QLineEdit. Create a derived QLineEdit class which implements the contextMenuEvent
class MyLineEdit : public QLineEdit
MyLineEdit(QWidget* parent = 0) : QLineEdit(parent){}
void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event)
QPointer<QMenu> menu = createStandardContextMenu();
//add your actions here
delete menu;
Then, use the setLineEdit function of QComboBox to set the line edit
MyLineEdit* edit = new MyLineEdit();
The combo box will now use your line edit class. The createStandardContextMenu function creates the normal context menu and you can add any new actions to it that you like in the contextMenuEvent handler before it is shown.
If the QComboBox is not editable then it doesn't have a default context menu so using the Qt::ActionsContextMenu method is much simpler.
QAbstractSpinBox also has a setLineEdit function so you can use a similar technique. Although, for some reason the setLineEdit function is protected on QAbstractSpinBox but public on QLineEdit.