




When I type 'from' (in Linq query) after improrting system.Linq namespace it is understood as a keyword; how does this magic hapen. is 'from' a extension method on some type?


"from" is a language keyword (just like "if" or "foreach").

You don't even need to import System.Linq to use "from", but you need to use 3.5 framework.

You don't even need the 3.5 framework - you just need a suitable set of methods. For instance, LINQBridge works against .NET 2.0, and you can write C# 3.0 against it.
Jon Skeet
No, you don't. You need C# 3.0, which isn't the same thing. LINQBridge, for example, brings LINQ-to-Objects into .NET 2.0 with C# 3.0.
Marc Gravell
"from" is not a language keyword. It is a context-dependent syntax element. The difference becomes clear when you realise that you can name a variable "from" (without an @), but you can't name a variable "if" or "foreach" (unless you add an @).
+5  A: 

In practice, yes - LINQ keywords map to extension methods. But actually, it is more interesting; it is literally as though the compiler substitutes directly for a few key methods, i.e.

var qry = from cust in db.Customers
          where cust.IsActive
          select cust;


var qry = db.Customers.Where(cust => cust.IsActive);

(if we had a non-trivial select, it would add .Select(...some projection...)

Different LINQ kewords map to different methods - i.e. there is OrderBy, GroupBy, ThenBy, OrderByDescending, etc.

In the case of IEnumerable<T>/IQueryable<T>, this then resolves these via extension methods (typically courtesy of Enumerable/Queryable)- however, if your queryable objects declared their own Where/OrderBy/etc then these would get used in preference.

Jon Skeet covers this a lot more in the latter parts of C# in Depth. I've also seen an example of Jon's where he discusses some really bizarre implications of this - such as calling static methods on a type.

Marc Gravell
Leaving out the Select() is just an optimization. It still requires a Select() even when it's a call to Select(x=>x);
Mark Cidade
Yes, but it is an optimization that it does do. It'll leave the Select in if you have "var qry = from x in y select x" - i.e. becomes "var qry = y.Select(x=>x)" - however, in many of the other typical simple cases it will omit it (unless you have a non-trivial projection).
Marc Gravell
+4  A: 

Marc Gravell has answered the question admirably, but I can't resist the temptation to mention the weird things you can do with query expressions. The compiler really doesn't care very much how it finds a "Select" member, or "Where" etc.

The way that the compiler translates the code into "C# 3.0 without query expressions" before doing normal compilation is really beautiful - it's a wonderful way of introducing new functionality into the language but only having an impact in one isolated portion of the specification.

Jon Skeet
Already linked it in ;-p (I just needed a few seconds to track it down...)
Marc Gravell
And next today in the Marc and Jon double-act...
Jon Skeet
"your friendly tag-team MVPs" ;-p
Marc Gravell