



There are a bunch of jquery tooltip plugins out there.

Which one should I use? and why?

+12  A: 

We've used qTip in one of our projects, because it conforms much all of our requirements, is well-developed and maintained, ships with excellent documentation and already nice-looking templates and also gave us a high degree of abstraction and customization.

+1 It also has pretty good documentation and events/api
T. Stone
qTip is pretty amazing.
+1. I've used it on several sites and been happy with it.
Dave Ward
I love qTip, I used it in several projects.
Man, qTip looks AWESOME; there's just one major flaw with it: screen-positioning as it regards to edge-detection. If you qTip something in your footer and the tips are set to go below (the default) it will display the tip off-screen. :( Otherwise this would be one WICKED plugin! :)
Only thing I don't like is having to give it all the CSS via JavaScript. Most things like this include a CSS file too that can be extended by the cascade. I realise some may be necessary to pass directly for calculations, but the majority should be in an external CSS file. Separation of concerns and all that. Otherwise, no problems, it's a good plugin.
+1  A: 

very small and fast lots of fancy stuff


I have used in my latest website. Easy to use, but somethimes IE displays NULL instead of text.

+1  A: 

I've used the actual jQuery tooltip. Here's a demo of what it can do. It's easy to use and you can configure the appearance.


I've customized Robert Baumgartner's tooltip script quite a bit so it won't pop items off the screen. I just add it to my Master page and it will get executed automatically when the page is ready.

window.viewport =
    height: function() {
        return $(window).height();

    width: function() {
        return $(window).width();

    scrollTop: function() {
        return $(window).scrollTop();

    scrollLeft: function() {
        return $(window).scrollLeft();

jQuery.tooltip = function() {
    tooltipClass = ".tooltip"; // replace with your class, for multiple classes, separate with comma.

    function str_replace(search, replace, subject) {
        return subject.split(search).join(replace);

    xOffset = 10;
    yOffset = 20;
    fadeInTime = 300;

    function positionToolTip(e) {
        var offsetFromTop = e.pageY - viewport.scrollTop();
        var offsetFromLeft = e.pageX - viewport.scrollLeft();
        var tooltipObj = $('#tooltip');
        var pxToBottom = viewport.height() - (e.pageY - viewport.scrollTop());
        var cssTop = 0;
        var cssLeft = (e.pageX + yOffset);
        var topMargin = parseFloat(tooltipObj.css('marginTop'));
        if (isNaN(topMargin)) {
            topMargin = 0;
        var topPadding = parseFloat(tooltipObj.css('paddingTop'));
        if (isNaN(topPadding)) {
            topPadding = 0;
        var topBorder = parseFloat(tooltipObj.css('border-top-width'));
        if (isNaN(topBorder)) {
            topBorder = 0;
        var topOffset = topMargin + topPadding + topBorder;

        if (tooltipObj.height() > viewport.height()) {
            cssTop = viewport.scrollTop() - topOffset + topPadding;
        else if (tooltipObj.height() > pxToBottom) {
            cssTop = viewport.scrollTop() + (viewport.height() - tooltipObj.height()) - topOffset - topPadding - topBorder;
        else {
            cssTop = e.pageY - xOffset;

        tooltipObj.css({ top: cssTop, left: cssLeft }).fadeIn(fadeInTime);

    jQuery("[title]").hover(function(e) {
        if (this.t === undefined || this.t.length == 0) {
            this.t = this.title;
            this.title = "";
            this.t = str_replace("::", "<br />", this.t);
            this.t = str_replace("[!]", "<span class='tooltipTitle'>", this.t);
            this.t = str_replace("[/!]", "</span><br />", this.t);
            this.t = str_replace("[", "<", this.t);
            this.t = str_replace("]", ">", this.t);
        if (this.t != "") {
            jQuery("body").append("<p id='tooltip'>" + this.t + "</p>");
            positionToolTip(e, this);
    }, function() {
    jQuery("[title]").mousemove(function(e) {
    jQuery("[title]").bind('remove', function() {
    jQuery("[title]").bind('disabled', function() {

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

I wrote an extremely simple tooltip plugin. You can find it @ It supports full html markup inside the tooltip/hovertip (which most tooltip plugins don't) and custom css.
