Guys, this should be simple but pulling my hair out.Tried all variations and some places online say I should use cell events instead. I just want to switch off the black border. Can anyone help, seen this before? Many thanks in advance.
//Paragraph paymentLinePara;
//paymentLinePara = new Paragraph("\n"); UAT removed, js
Table paymentLineTable = new Table(1);
//build up headers
//Cell lineHeader = new Cell(new Phrase("xxx", font_small));
//lineHeader.Header = true;
//lineHeader.BackgroundColor = new Color(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0);
//add detail rows
foreach (var item in paymentItem.PaymentItemLines)
paymentLineTable.DefaultCell.BackgroundColor = Color.WHITE;
if (item.Display)
paymentLineTable.AddCell(new Phrase(item.Line, font_small));
paymentLineTable.Padding = 1;
paymentLineTable.DefaultCellBorderColor = Color.WHITE;
paymentLineTable.DefaultCellBorder = -1;
paymentLineTable.DefaultCellBorderWidth = 0;
paymentLineTable.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;