



We are trying to switch the packaging for our project from dojo to google closure, but we haven't had any luck so far. Here is a simple example that illustrates what we are trying to accomplish:

<html xmlns="">
     <script type="text/javascript" src="runtime/src/core/lib/goog-rev26/base.js"></script>
      function main() {"hello world")}
<body onload="main()">

Then in /foo/bar.js I have:

goog.provide(""); = function(s) {console.debug(s);}
The errors I receive in firebug are as follows:
goog.require could not find:
foo is not defined

When I look in the Net tab, there isn't an http request out to fetch a file - I was expecting the closure library to generate a script tag to fetch bar.js.

help! ;)


I was able to get it to work by adding the following to deps.js:
goog.addDependency('../../../foo/bar.js', [''], []);

Firefox now makes an http request to /foo/bar.js when it encounters the goog.requires statement.

However, the file contains this comment:
// This file has been auto-generated by GenJsDeps, please do not edit.

According to this, GenJsDeps is the same as If you look at the documentation, it looks like there is an -o deps switch which will re-generate deps.js so it isn't edited manually.

You should use and not use addDepedency yourself.
+2  A: 

Yes you should use I created a big blog post after much trial and error to figure out the best way to do this, I also go over the differences between dojo.require and goog.require:

+3  A: 

I figured it out and it's not very hard, but there are a few gotchas.

Basically, you can use the dependency generating script (you should read docs) in one of several modes:

  1. Generating deps.js file
  2. Concatenating everything into a single file, optionally compiling it using the closure compiler.

For development you should use (1), since it allows you to not run the after editing the JS sources, unless you make changes to the dependency tree. The rest of the answer is about this way, I haven't tried the other one yet.

Here's what I did to generate it:

cd closure-library/closure/goog
python ../bin/ -p ../../../js -o deps > ../../../my-deps.js

...assuming the following directory structure:

  closure-library/ (as checked out from SVN)
  js/ (my JS code)

(the -p parameter traverses all js files in the specified directory and the docs say you can specify multiple directories to search if you have to.)

The above call creates a my-deps.js file next to the main app.html, which I use to run the application. The created file contains information about my JS files in js/ and looks like this:

goog.addDependency('../../../js/controllers.js', ['proj.controllers'], []);
goog.addDependency('../../../js/ui.js', ['proj.ui'], ['proj.controllers']);

- where the first string it the path to my JS file relative to closure-library/closure/goog/base.js (this is important!), the second array is the list of goog.provide-d strings, and the last array is the list of goog.require-d strings.

Now in app.html I have:

<script src="closure-library/closure/goog/base.js"></script>
<script src="my-deps.js"></script>
  // here we can use the required objects


  1. In addition to including closure's base.js, I include my generated deps.js
  2. As mentioned in the tutorial the goog.require call has to be in a separate script tag, because it appends a script tag to load the required scripts and they are loaded after the current script tag finished processing.


  1. The described above issue with paths being relative to base.js. goog.require creates the script URL to load by concatenating the base.js base URL (i.e. without base.js leafname) and the first parameter to goog.addDependency in deps.js.
  2. doesn't work well on Windows, in particular using the backslashes in the deps.js string literals
  3. If something doesn't work well, you may want to look through all issues mentioning calcdeps and make sure you have an up to date checkout.

Here's a little project that I've been working on that might be helpful to you:

Take a look at the build.xml, the file named lanyard.js, and all of the files located in src/geom/*.

The build.xml has an example of how to call through ant for all of the js located in src. It may not be the best way to do things, but it's been working for me so far.

Jon Bringhurst
+1  A: 


New version of changes the game a little bit. To create your deps.js you now need to use the -d flag. eg:

python path-to-closure-library/closure/bin/ -i path-to-your-src/requirements.js -o deps -d path-to-closure-library/closure/ -p path-to-your-src/ --output_file=path-to-your-src/deps.js

To compile:

python path-to-closure-library/closure/bin/ -i path-to-your-src/requirements.js -d path-to-closure-library/closure/ -p ./ --output_file=path-to-your-release/scripts.min.js -c path-to-compiler/compiler.jar -f "--compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS" -f "--debug=true" -f "--process_closure_primitives=true" -f "--manage_closure_dependencies=true" -o compiled

So the process is actually now a lot easier, but you have to use your powers of ESP to find out about it as its totally undocumented. The now also does not work with Python 3.1 on windows so that is also heaps of fun. A few hacks got it working for me (which I will not put here as I'm not a python programmer and there must be better ways to do it).

Generally the last day has been super fun, hope this post helps someone avoid the same enjoyment.

