
The script is fine. This might have something to do with bg class assigned to bg_img image. Probably, the bg has some unsupportable attribute which not work with FF.


To change the background of your page, why don't you just replace the document.bg_img.src with document.body.background.

Ramiz Uddin
Any idea what that could be? The css is minimal: .bg { left:0; top:0; width:100%; z-index:5000;}
Do you want to change the background of your webpage against each link selection?
Ramiz Uddin
yes that's exactly it.
I see where you're going with that, but I specifically have it set up this way so the BG image resizes with the browser window. This was the only way I knew how to do that.

I'd recommend using a Javascript library like jQuery to help avoid cross-browser issues.

If you want to go ahead without one however, you could try using standard DOM manipulation methods:

document.getElementById('bg_img').setAttribute('src', 'imgs/sandwiches/BLT_smlbw.jpg')
Tobias Cohen

Just use something like this:

function changeBG()
    var img = docuemnt.getElementById ("bg_img");
    if( selector == 'portfolio' )
            img.src = 'imgs/sandwiches/BLT_smlbw.jpg';

    else if( selector == 'contact' )
            img.src = 'imgs/sandwiches/eggSammerSml.jpg';
            img.src = 'imgs/plums4.jpg';

Vladimir Kocjancic