



I am looking for Payment Gateway Service providers. I searched Google and found Authorize.Net, QuickBooks, PayPal PayFlow Pro and others.

I want to know which one is affordable and reliable. It must accept all major credit/debit cards. There must be low or no setup fee.

Authorize.Net prices are low but I have no idea about the service. Please let me know views for the same.


How is Google Checkout?


I've used PayPal PayFlow Pro. Not sure how much it costs, but it seems reliable. Only annoyance right now (well, besides it being part of PayPal now, which I'm not a fan of) is that the SDK we used is being deprecated and doing the upgrade to the new one has proven to be a much larger pain than expected on the .Net side. The Java SDK update went swimmingly.

Brian Knoblauch
I use that too. The plus is, you get to use your existing merchant provider. The negative is, like you said, the SDK, and, to some extent, the support. Payflow Pro used to be owned by Verisign, and Paypal seems to be more interested in driving business to IT'S merchant services accounts, than keeping the existing setup.
It is expensive.

It all depends on your volume. Sounds like yours is low. Most major providers have some bottom tier service (e.g. Payflow Link, from Paypal) which is on the cheap side, but with that service you have to pay for a "Merchant Account" with some financial institution. Or you can go with some middle-man service that deals with the banks for you, in exchange for letting them skim a little off the top.

Regardless you're going to have to deal with credit checks, etc. Not much fun at all, especially for internet stuff. Since the transactions all fall into the "No Card Present" category (the worst for fraud) your charges are going to be higher.

+1  A: 

I and a friend have been pleased with MerchantPlus, a merchant account provider and reseller. I believe is the de facto standard. I've had to use their customer service only a little bit, but was pleased with that interaction.

+2  A: 

I'm a programmer and we have used for the past about five years. For me's service has always been top tier. I can send an email inquiry and I almost always get a response the same day. Sometimes a particular person will get what I need wrong the first time and I end up sending a follow-up email, but their second try is usually right, and it is usually still resolved in the same day. Had Paymentech before and while they were okay, is much better.
