As mentioned :
Pro JavaScript Techniques by John Resig is an excellent book.
If you're intention is to use Javascript for more than just everyday form validation etc then I personally think understanding OO principles is important.
With Javascript being such a flexible language I would reccommend reading up on discipline and approaches to coding Javascript, not just the syntaxy stuff.
This book Pro Javascript design patterns should help there.
You're halfway there already with Douglas Crockford, but there are plenty of others writing great articles on the web.
I'm finding that over and above most languanges and tech there is a real buzz about Javascript right now and it's difficult to keep up with new stuff so I tend to check out relevant news sites like Ajaxian for posts with content linking to good authors for up to to date advances with libraries, frameworks and the like.
I recently visited the fullfrontal09 Javascript conference, all the speakers there gave excellent talks on Javascript so read anything they have written!
Read up on Closures and Scope, sugaring and currying! Robert Nyman's slides from FullFontal09 should get you started