



Hi All,

I am trying to call a Soap request using C# for a WSDL created in Axis Servlet. am sending the Soap Request through MSXML2.XMLHTTPClass xmlHTTP = new XMLHTTPClass();

But i am getting a error as follows: "Fail to find the matching request according to wsdl, please check the request line and the SOAPAction and the operation name"

Can anyone guide me in this ?

The code is as follows: MSXML2.XMLHTTPClass xmlHTTP = new XMLHTTPClass();"POST", "", false, "", ""); xmlHTTP.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); xmlHTTP.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "myClass#myFunction"); string strSoapEnvelope = ""; strSoapEnvelope += ""; strSoapEnvelope += ""; strSoapEnvelope += ""; strSoapEnvelope += ""; strSoapEnvelope += "tel:" + mdn + ""; strSoapEnvelope += ""; strSoapEnvelope += "" + amount + ""; strSoapEnvelope += "" + billingText + ""; strSoapEnvelope += "" + referenceCode + ""; strSoapEnvelope += ""; strSoapEnvelope += ""; strSoapEnvelope += ""; xmlHTTP.send(strSoapEnvelope.ToString()); string outXML = xmlHTTP.responseText.ToString();

Regards Biju