



Hi, I am new bee to Hibernate and trying out things. One thing that seems to amuse all is how to connect to different databases? I have two questions here
a) if in the same web app i need to connect to mysql and oracle how do i do it?
b) i am using mysql and have two databases test1 and test2, how to connect and retrieve data?
I have read in a blog that we can create different configuration files and do it.
I tried it but was not sucessfull.
Here's what i tried
SessionFactory sf = (SessionFactory) new Configuration().configure(path);
Where path is the path of the config file.
Is this the right way?

Thanks in advance.


Ideally you should move to Distributed transaction type of system[using Java Transaction Analyzer org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory] in this case. If you are running in JBoss App Server, you can do it by using "Distributed Transaction Managers". You can learn more about it here.

+1  A: 

Using annotation mappings as an example:

Configuration cfg1 = new AnnotationConfiguration();
cfg1.addAnnotatedClass(SomeClass.class); // mapped classes
SessionFactory sf1 = cfg1.buildSessionFactory();

Configuration cfg2 = new AnnotationConfiguration();
cfg2.addAnnotatedClass(SomeClass.class); // could be the same or different than above
SessionFactory sf2 = cfg2.buildSessionFactory();

Then use sf1 and sf2 to get the sessions for each database. For mapping files, you just use cfg.addClass instead of addAnnotatedClass. Put the cfg.xml files in the root package in this case. Those will have the Oracle or MySQL dialect and connection information.

Brian Deterling
Thanks a lot Brain. That was exactly what i was looking for.Karthik.