We have an ASP.NET web application running in IIS that uses the SoapHttpClientProtocol class to make SOAP calls. In the last few days several XP machines have started to report timeout errors when making SOAP services calls.
Stack Trace from a test app:
System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.HttpWebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at TestWS.localhost.Service1.HelloWorld() in C:\Prototypes\TestWS\Web References\localhost\Reference.cs:line 78
at ASP.default_aspx.__Renderform1(HtmlTextWriter __w, Control parameterContainer) in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TestWS\Default.aspx:line 17
Using TCP/ Trace and Wireshark we can see that the header of the request is being sent but not the content. However, the content-length HTTP parameter is correct, it's almost as if the content stream has not been flushed.
We suspect a microsoft update has caused this issue. Potentially KB970430, KB971737 and KB968389. The problem appears to be isolated to IIS 5.x (XP version of IIS).