I've done this with an Interceptor (creating my own based on EmptyInterceptor). I was able to get all changes (merge, save, saveOrUpdate and delete) in onFlushDirty().
The methods of EmptyInterceptor I used:
public boolean onFlushDirty(Object object, Serializable id,
Object[] newValues, Object[] oldValues, String[] properties,
Type[] types) throws CallbackException {
public boolean onSave(Object object, Serializable id, Object[] newValues,
String[] properties, Type[] types) throws CallbackException {
public void onDelete(Object object, Serializable id, Object[] newValues,
String[] properties, Type[] types) throws CallbackException {
In onFlushDirty() I had to query the previous state of the entity:
Connection c = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().connection();
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(c);
BaseEntity newBaseEntity = (BaseEntity) object;
BaseEntity oldBaseEntity = (BaseEntity) session.get(newBaseEntity.getClass(), newBaseEntity.getId());