So, my friend sent me a puzzle this morning:
Find the number of distinct times of the day (using 24-hour display and assuming that morning hours are presented as 8:15 as opposed to 08:15) where the number of segments are equal to the sum of the digits. Eg. 8:15 has 7+2+5=14 segments in electronic format and the sum of the digits is 8+1+5=14, so it qualifies as a case.
So I came up with the following simple (but retarded brute force) solution, in C# 3.0:
// Number of segments in each digit
var digitMap =
new Dictionary<char, int>
var numMatches = (
from h in Enumerable.Range(0,24)
from m in Enumerable.Range(0,60)
select h.ToString() + m.ToString().PadLeft(2,'0') into t
let chars = t.ToCharArray()
where chars.Sum(c => int.Parse(c.ToString())) == chars.Sum(c => digitMap[c])
select t).Count();
However, he added a caveat:
Brute force approach is not allowed.
I've been thinking on it for a while, and I'm struggling to come up with a smarter algorithm. I was going down the route of pre-filtering the impossibilities (eg times where the sum of the digits is less than 6, since that's the minimum segment sum) - but in the end I suppose that will only lead to a smaller solution space, which is then brute forced.
Anyway, I think it's an interesting enough problem to throw it out there and see if anyone can come up with a more clever method.