



I've the code below that works great in my ready function in jquery, when i fill the form and change focus from the input element to another run the ajax check and assign a css class to the element, showing if is validated or not. everything ok.

id' like to define with this code a function so i can call it also when the page is just loaded, so the check will be performed also if the form is populated in server side, and on blur, but i faced troubles defining functions in jquery.

this is the code that runs on blur


    $.post(\"inc/viewlets/join_form/check_username.php\", {
           join_username: $('#join_username').val()
              setTimeout(\"finishAjaxUsername('usernameResult', '\"+escape(response)+\"')\", 400);
     if(escape(response)=='true') joinFormCheck[0]=true;      
     else joinFormCheck[0]=false;


    return false;
+6  A: 

Simply define a function instead of passing the blur() an anonymous function:

$.myFunctionName = function()
   // your code here


If you want the function to be called in response to an event (such as document.ready), just call it like you would a normal function.

    // -- define your function
    $.myFunctionName = function()
       //your code here

    // -- add a callback to blur on an input

    // -- manually call the function once
thanks!now...i defined the function within ready(), how to run this function as the page is loaded.i'd like to check the form element as it's loaded, if it has got a value="my string here" attribute
Just call it like you would a normal function. So, if you want it to happen on document ready as well $(document).ready(function(){ $.myFunctionName(); });
thanks man!!! it was really what i was looking for!

I think you just have invalid syntax here:

$('#join_username').blur( function(){

    $.post("inc/viewlets/join_form/check_username.php", {
      join_username: $(this).val()
    }, function(response) {
      setTimeout( function() {
        finishAjaxUsername('usernameResult', escape(response))
      }, 400);
      if(escape(response)=='true') { joinFormCheck[0]=true; }
      else { joinFormCheck[0]=false; }
    } );                  

    return false;
} );

Try that. Then, of course if you want the function to be separate from the blur event you can simply assign it to a variable... so you'd end up with:

var blurFunc = function() { ...function from above... };
$('#join_username').blur( blurFunc );
+5  A: 

or you could use use regular function syntax

function do_on_blur(){
   // your base. I'm in it


$("#join_username").blur( do_on_blur );

If you don't want to create a jQuery plugin, then it is enough to pass to that jQuery function a reference to the function you want to use. Anonymous functions are used when you need that function only once.

function blur() {};


That is normally done when the function is used more than once; normally, you will use an anonymous function.
