I am trying to inner join 2 temp tables
I know this can be done, I have done this before but i completely forgot how to do it
Please advise me
Below is the query that I try to execute
select tmp1.*, tmp2.cnt from
1 as ClassificationType,
sum(Score) as Score, sum(Points) as Points, sum(OpponentScore) as OpponentScore,
count(ID) as MatchesCount, count(distinct IdCompetition) as CompetitionsCount
group by IdPlayer, IdGame
) as tmp1
inner join (select IdWinner, count(IdWinner) as cnt from tblCompetitions where IdWinner = tmp1.IdPlayer) as tmp2
on tmp2.IdWinner = tmp1.IdPlayer
This will fail with
I think I am not allowed to use tmp1 in the subquery that create tmp2
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 17 The multi-part identifier "tmp1.IdPlayer" could not be bound.