




Hi all, I am developing a quiz ui where multiple views will be shown to the user viz, 1. Instructions 2. Question #1 and on clicking next Question #2 and soon 3. User can at any time end the test, and so on.

I have developed this using all the views on client side and transferring only data from server side using ASP.NET .

But rendering of these views on the client side is not looking good on IE, FIREFOX. Now I am thinking of sending this UI alongwith data from server side.

Before doing this I thought of asking to you guys. Help plz !


A way of bringing the UI to your quiz page using Ajax could be using jQuery Ajax features http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax

More specifically you want to use the load method, where you will pass the url of the view that contains the UI, and then inject that HTML into a specific element in the quiz page DOM
