i'm using Django 0.96 and want to implement the following form: the user must either choose value from dropdown list or enter its own string to textbox field. the required field should be indicated by checkbox (if it's on - the required field is a charfield, otherwise - dropdownlist)
DB : __DBvalues___V # dropdownlist
own choice: X # checkbox
user imput: ______________ # charfield
class LabelList(models.Model):
LabelListAttr= models.ForeignKey(Label)
class UserInputForm(forms.Form):
user_label = forms.CharField(max_length=20,required=False)
user_label.label = "New label"
is_user_label = forms.BooleanField()
is_user_label.label = "Create new label?"
DBListForm = form_for_model(LabelList)
class LabelChoiceForm(UserInputForm,DBListForm ):
is there any way to implement that?