



I am getting a "The opertaion is not valid for the state of the transaction" error when I try to call a stored procedure that contains a SELECT Statement. Here is the structure of my calls

public void MyAddUpdateMethod()

    using (TransactionScope Scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
        using(SQLServer Sql = new SQLServer(this.m_connstring))
            //do my first add update statement

            //do my call to the select statement sp
            bool DoesRecordExist = this.SelectStatementCall(id)

public bool DoesRecordExist(System.Guid id)
    using(SQLServer Sql = new SQLServer(this.m_connstring)) //breaks on this line
        //create parameters

Is the problem with me creating another connection to the same database within the transaction?


I've encountered this error when my Transaction is nested within another. Is it possible that the stored procedure declares its own transaction or that the calling function declares one?

I do not have any t-sql transaction code in any of my stored procedures. In theory, the transaction should be controlled by the MyAddUpdateMethod()
Michael Kniskern
+4  A: 

After doing some research, I can not have two connections opened to the same database with the TransactionScope block. I need to modified my code to look like this:

public void MyAddUpdateMethod()
    using (TransactionScope Scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
        using(SQLServer Sql = new SQLServer(this.m_connstring))
            //do my first add update statement            
            //do my call to the select statement sp

        //removed the method call from the first sql server using statement
        bool DoesRecordExist = this.SelectStatementCall(id)

public bool DoesRecordExist(System.Guid id)
    using(SQLServer Sql = new SQLServer(this.m_connstring))
        //create parameters
Michael Kniskern