I want to learn C# (on Linux, so using Mono), and I'm looking for some guide that taps into the knowledge I already have of other languages; most notably C, C++ and java (but also python, Haskell, lisp, and perhaps a few others).
So far all I've found on the web are combined introduction-to-programming and introduction-to-C# texts, but they all fail because I get bored and can't stick to my learning plan.
Does anyone have a suggestion for something good to read?
Broadening this question up, how do you learn a new language that's similar to languages you already know in a way that taps into the knowledge you already have? Do people write these kind of tutorials? Do you just grab a cheat sheet? Do you have an array of exercises you force yourself through?
Edit: I don't know any other Microsoft development... thingies. I wrote a little bit VB around eight years ago, but I don't remember any of that. I have no ASP experience, no experience with anything else .NET, no MS languages or libraries. Even though I have developed on Windows, I haven't done capital-D Windows Development. Please consider this when making a suggestion.