For project euler 59, I came up with this to return a list of tuples containing the decyphered string and the key used (and yes I know about Data.Bits
module XOR where
import Data.List
import Data.Char
decToBin :: Integer -> [Integer]
decToBin x = reverse $ decToBin' x
decToBin' 0 = []
decToBin' y = let (a,b) = quotRem y 2 in [b] ++ decToBin' a
binToDec :: [Integer] -> Integer
binToDec xs = foldl (+) 0 $ map (\(x,y) -> x*(2^y) ) $reverse $ zip (reverse xs) [0..]
bitwise f x y = zipWith f x y
lenBin :: Integer -> Integer
lenBin x= length$ decToBin x
xor :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
xor x y | x == y = 0
| x /= y = 1
| otherwise = error "Impossible"
bitwiseXOR :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
bitwiseXOR a b | (lenBin a) > (lenBin b) = binToDec $ bitwise xor ((replicate ((lenBin a) - (lenBin b)) 0)++(decToBin b)) (decToBin a)
| (lenBin a) < (lenBin b) = binToDec $ bitwise xor ((replicate ((lenBin b) - (lenBin a)) 0)++(decToBin a)) (decToBin b)
| otherwise =binToDec $ bitwise xor (decToBin b) (decToBin a)
decyph :: [char] -> [char]
decyph key = map chr $ map (\(x,y)-> bitwiseXOR x (ord y) ) $ zip numbers $ cycle key
brute :: [([Char],[Char])]
brute = [(n,k)|k<- (sequence $ replicate 3 ['a'..'z']) ,n <- decyph k, "the" `isInfixOf` n]
numbers :: [Integer]
numbers = [79,59,12,2,79,35,8...]
The problem is that when I can't run decyph
because the tuples it is producing only contain one character in the first part and the key in the second rather than the entire decrypted text with the key used. How can I fix this?
PS: Is it reasonable to assume the text will contain string "the"?